image: Alex Lau

Keynotes / Guest Lectures

Evil Law

University of Surrey School of Law, Law LL.B. (2024)

Conference presentations

Beyond Political Decisionism and Legal Normativism: On The Three Types of Juristic Thought (1934) and Schmittian-Kelsenian Synthesis

  • Paper: (in progress)

  • Plenary, Nomos: Centre for International Research on Law, Culture and Power (2024)

  • APSA Annual Meeting (2024)

Untitled, Institutions and Interpretation (Roundtable)

Teaching Soviet Law in the 21st Century: A Case Study, Building a Free University in the Post-Soviet Space: Challenges and Opportunities (Roundtable)

Legal Form in the Soviet Dictatorship: Evgeny Pashukanis and His Interlocutors

Law's Coordinative Capacity in the Service of Evil in St Thomas Aquinas's Philosophy

Angels, Demons, Us: Raz and Aquinas on the Coordinative Function of Law

  • The Social Character of Human Flourishing Symposium (2022)

  • Society of Legal Scholars Annual Conference (2021)

The Paradox of Evil Law

Making Sense of Evil Law

Between Exception and Normality: Schmittian Dictatorship and the Soviet Legal Order

  • Critical Legal Conference (2022)

  • History of Political Thought Graduate Conference (2021)

Soviet Legacy and the Russian Conception of Human Rights

Communist Theory of Law as a Pandora’s Box: Kelsen Revisited

Russia v ECtHR: Resistance or Dialogue - A Comparative Analysis

Legal Storytelling in the Soviet Court: The Semenchuk Case 1936

Podcast appearances


Free University (Brīvā Universitāte) Media Centre

Anna Lukina on Transitional Justice and Soviet Law (in Russian)

Efficient Secrets

Democratic Backsliding: Constitutional Law versus Authoritarian Politics

Paper: Making Sense of Evil Law (in progress)

Starting at 19:00 minutes

Ipse Dixit

Anna Lukina on Kelsen & Communist Theories of Law

Paper: Opening the Pandora's Box: Kelsen and the Communist Theory of Law (open access) (2020)

Professional workshops


WolfWorks (Wolfson College, University of Oxford)

Writing for Publication (panel discussion)

Starting at 29:32 minutes

Grazhdanin Politolog

Pursuing Graduate Studies in the West (panel discussion, in Russian)