image: Alex Lau
Keynotes / Guest Lectures
Evil Law
University of Surrey School of Law, Law LL.B. (2024)
Conference presentations
Beyond Political Decisionism and Legal Normativism: On The Three Types of Juristic Thought (1934) and Schmittian-Kelsenian Synthesis
Paper: (in progress)
Plenary, Nomos: Centre for International Research on Law, Culture and Power (2024)
APSA Annual Meeting (2024)
Untitled, Institutions and Interpretation (Roundtable)
Paper: Making Sense of Evil Law (in progress)
ICON-S Conference (2024)
Teaching Soviet Law in the 21st Century: A Case Study, Building a Free University in the Post-Soviet Space: Challenges and Opportunities (Roundtable)
Paper: Teaching Soviet Law in the 21st Century (in progress), Teaching Soviet Law in the 21st Century: A Case Study (open access) (2023)
Theses (2023)
ASEEES 55th Annual Convention (2023)
Legal Form in the Soviet Dictatorship: Evgeny Pashukanis and His Interlocutors
Paper: Legal Form in the Soviet Dictatorship: Evgeny Pashukanis and His Interlocutors (open access) (in progress)
ASEEES 55th Annual Convention (2023)
Legal Form Workshop (2023)
Law's Coordinative Capacity in the Service of Evil in St Thomas Aquinas's Philosophy
Paper: Angels, Demons, Us: Reconciling Raz and Aquinas on the Coordinative Function of Law (open access) (in progress);, St. Thomas Aquinas on Angels, Demons, and Evil ‘Law’ (open access) (2021)
Aquinas on Evil - 12th Annual Aquinas Philosophy Workshop (2023)
Angels, Demons, Us: Raz and Aquinas on the Coordinative Function of Law
Papers: Angels, Demons, Us: Reconciling Raz and Aquinas on the Coordinative Function of Law (open access) (in progress); St. Thomas Aquinas on Angels, Demons, and Evil ‘Law’ (open access) (2021)
SLS (Society of Legal Scholars) Jurisprudence Section – Plural Visions of Law: The Legacy of Joseph Raz (2023)
The Social Character of Human Flourishing Symposium (2022)
Society of Legal Scholars Annual Conference (2021)
The Paradox of Evil Law
Paper: The Problem of Evil Law (2023)
Legal Theory Discussion Group, ELTE Budapest (2022)
Making Sense of Evil Law
Papers: Making Sense of Evil Law (in progress); The Legality of Evil: A Response to Balázs Majtényi on Radbruch’s Formula and Amoral Law (open access) (2022)
Society of Legal Scholars Conference (2022)
IVR World Congress (2022)
Wolfson Research Event (2022)
Video (starting at 12:00 minutes)
Cambridge Legal Theory Discussion Group (2022)
Research Group on Socio-Legal Studies, Higher School of Economics (2021)
Maastricht Law and Philosophy Graduate Colloquium (2021)
Between Exception and Normality: Schmittian Dictatorship and the Soviet Legal Order
Paper: Between Exception and Normality: Schmittian Dictatorship and the Soviet Legal Order (open access) (2022)
Critical Legal Conference (2022)
History of Political Thought Graduate Conference (2021)
Soviet Legacy and the Russian Conception of Human Rights
Papers: Russia and International Human Rights Law: A View from the Past (2018); The Soviet Legacy of Current Human Rights Debates (open access) (2017); Soviet Union and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (open access) (2016)
ASEEES 51st Annual Convention (2019)
ICON-S Conference (2019)
Contingency in the Course of International Law: How International Law Could Have Been (Workshop) (2018)
Communist Theory of Law as a Pandora’s Box: Kelsen Revisited
Papers: Opening the Pandora's Box: Kelsen and the Communist Theory of Law (open access) (2020); Kelsen on Marx, Engels, and Natural Law (open access) (2020)
IVR World Congress (2019)
Russia v ECtHR: Resistance or Dialogue - A Comparative Analysis
Paper: Russia v ECtHR - Resistance or Dialogue: A Comparative Analysis (open access) (unpublished)
Development of Russian Law-XI: Access to Justice in Eurasia: From Regional to Global (2018)
ICON-S Conference (2018)
1st Oxford-Edinburgh Public Law Colloquium (2017)
Sixth Annual YCC Global Conference (2017),
Recipient of the Colin B. Picker Prize (Honourable Mention)
Legal Storytelling in the Soviet Court: The Semenchuk Case 1936
Papers: The Soviet Court as a Propaganda Instrument (open access) (2017); The Soviet Court as a Propaganda Instrument II: The Semenchuk Case, 1936 (open access) (2017); The Semenchuk Case of 1936: Storytelling and Propaganda above the Law in the Soviet Criminal Trial (2016)
6th Biennial Applied Legal Storytelling Conference (2017)
XXIIIrd Annual Forum of the Association of Young Legal Historians (2017)
Podcast appearances
Free University (Brīvā Universitāte) Media Centre
Anna Lukina on Transitional Justice and Soviet Law (in Russian)
Efficient Secrets
Democratic Backsliding: Constitutional Law versus Authoritarian Politics
Paper: Making Sense of Evil Law (in progress)
Starting at 19:00 minutes
Ipse Dixit
Anna Lukina on Kelsen & Communist Theories of Law
Paper: Opening the Pandora's Box: Kelsen and the Communist Theory of Law (open access) (2020)
Professional workshops
WolfWorks (Wolfson College, University of Oxford)
Writing for Publication (panel discussion)
Starting at 29:32 minutes
Grazhdanin Politolog
Pursuing Graduate Studies in the West (panel discussion, in Russian)